Great article! I feel like I have visited the steppes with you. A lot to think about. I appreciate the dedication of individuals such as Vadim who contribute to the understanding and conservation of the manuls and the ecosystem they depend on. Thank you!
Fantastic article Dan, I really enjoyed listening to this one! Dasha's story is my absolute favorite, what a legend. So amazing how she adapted to domestic life and then back to the wild. Hoping for better manul luck on your next adventure!
Supposedly in the summer they don’t stray too far from their dens — makes sense with it being kitten season. Fingers crossed. Still a fascinating place to visit.
Great article! I feel like I have visited the steppes with you. A lot to think about. I appreciate the dedication of individuals such as Vadim who contribute to the understanding and conservation of the manuls and the ecosystem they depend on. Thank you!
Great writing! I know how much work goes into this. And yeah, bone-rattling is right.
I hadn’t really internalized the math on how much distance there is to cover in the areas where you all work - it’s serious scale.
Fantastic article Dan, I really enjoyed listening to this one! Dasha's story is my absolute favorite, what a legend. So amazing how she adapted to domestic life and then back to the wild. Hoping for better manul luck on your next adventure!
Supposedly in the summer they don’t stray too far from their dens — makes sense with it being kitten season. Fingers crossed. Still a fascinating place to visit.